
Serving ACA (Obama Care) in Texas, Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia

People With HIV Or AIDS

Additional Drug and Premium Payment Assistance Programs

Consumers may be able to get help paying for their HIV or AIDS medications. The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) within the California Department of Public Health helps ensure that eligible individuals living with HIV or AIDS who are uninsured and underinsured have access to life-saving HIV medications. An individual with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) up to 500 percent federal poverty level may qualify for ADAP. For ADAP eligibility information, including where to go to enroll, drug formulary lists and participating ADAP pharmacies and locations, please call (844) 421-7050.

ADAP can provide drug deductible and copayment assistance for drugs on the ADAP formulary. In order for ADAP to assist a consumer with these drug costs, their health insurance plan’s pharmacy must also be a participating ADAP pharmacy. A list of the antiretroviral (ARV) drugs that are available on the ADAP formulary, along with those available through the Covered California health insurance plans, is available as a downloadable PDF.

Qualified individuals enrolled in ADAP can also receive help paying Covered California monthly premiums through the Office of AIDS’ Health Insurance Premium Payment (OA-HIPP) program. Individuals enrolled in OA-HIPP may also get assistance with outpatient medical out of pocket costs.

If a consumer and a third party, such as OA-HIPP, both paid the consumer’s premium for the same month, they may contact the health insurance company and request a refund. They may also contact the health insurance company for any other issues relating to premium payments.

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